Rouvein Lelonde


Digital Artist

commission status

Commissions are currently: CLOSEDI have NO intention of opening in the foreseeable future. You may respectfully inquire for updates and / or ask for a waitlist slot.

Prices will start at 18$ per working hour with tips accepted when commissions open and physical + mental health is available for workload."Quick" and "Rough" experimental work < 20min will be 6$USD.

Open to drawing:⬘ "furries"
⬘ monsters
⬘ gore , teeth, dark themes
⬘ headshots, busts, halfbodies
⬘ horror-based work and characters
⬘ icons (matching, solo, and animateds
⬘ adult themes (for commissioners 18+ ONLY)
Specializes in drawing:⬙ canines
⬙ vulpines
⬙ dog-like characters
⬙ skele-based characters
⬙ headshots / busts / icons
⬙ most closed + open species


Bluesky ★ Most ActiveTwitter/X ⋆ ♦ Active character storageDeviantArt ⋆ Mostly InactiveFurAffinity ⋆ Completely Inactive

[email protected]
S.i.n.n.e.r on Discord
Art Streams can be found at
Commissioners have the right to request streams and/or private updates.


All payments will be done in USD.I require 1hr worth of pay for me to start the sketch of a piece requiring multiple hours of work, 50% remaining pay after linework is approved, and the other 50% remaining for work over 20$USD and all commercial-based pieces.Commissions over 20$ are subject to the above unless paid in full up front by request from the commissioner/s in question.
Commissions 20$ and under require full payment up-front.
Payment plans are negotiable, done or offered on a case-by-case and professional basis, and may not be offered or available.ALL WIP stages WILL be watermarked heavily until paid.
When paid each stage will receive unwatermarked files.

USAGE⛧ I reserve the right to use the commissioned artwork to display in any and all of my medias and / or displays for example, as well as use the work in a non-profit way(or for-profit with discussion at time of commission / contract).⛧ Any work commissioned by me may be used for icons, desktop and / or device wallpapers and lock screens, banners, headers, etc. solely by the commissioner(or recipient if the artwork commissioned was for gift) or character owner(if ownership transfers) under personal usage. Proper credit must be given if using my work for display on any and all medias.⛧ Commissioners may print out any commissions and artwork received on paper / canvas, shirts, and / or other articles of clothing or accessories under the strict guise of personal use. These may not be sold, used for-profit, or used in any business related practice under any circumstance. This is non-negotiable unless discussed at the time of hire regarding business-related work with a licensing fee(which would include a contract with flat fee, royalty fee, or royalty with advance up front). No exceptions will be made in this.⛧ Clients have the right to post commissioned work with proper credentials to character pages such as a or image / character repository. Any / all reposting of my work MUST be done with written or verbal consent AND a link back to both my online handle requested as well as the original post of the image to any medias the commissioner or client wishes to post to. Consent to reposting along with proper credit is mandatory on all platforms.

TERMS OF SERVICE𖤐 I have the right to decline any commission and / or project for any reason I see fit without need for any explanation. By working with me or requesting to work with me you acknowledge any commission may be declined.𖤐 I have the right to request a price increase for any complexities of commission work. This can be but is not limited to: props, armor, clothing, poses, extra characters, backgrounds, complex markings, working without a proper character ref sheet, and complicated character design(s).𖤐 When payments are made payments MUST be in USD ONLY. Crypto is not a welcome form of payment, I do not support it, and it will not be accepted in any / all transactions. This is non-negotiable. You agree by working with me that you will not use or attempt to use cryptocurrency as any source of payment.𖤐 Clients, commissioners, and any / all outside parties do not have my permission to use any of my work for AI based purposes, including but not limited to AI training. My work is not to be used in anything regarding this field. You agree that you will not use my artwork for anything AI related, regardless of business based or individual client commission work.𖤐 Clients and commissioners DO NOT have the right to mint / sell any commissions and / or artwork I contribute towards as a NFT. You acknowledge that my artwork as a whole may not be minted as a NFT, used in any way to promote NFTs, or used in NFT based projects of any kind. I do not support NFTs, and will immediately decline anything involving them.𖤐 I am an artist that has both strong and weak points. If I express that I do not hold full comfort in doing your character, scene, or other part of the commission to upmost quality and label it as experimental you acknowledge this in full and know refunds will not be given if the final piece is not up to par or expectations. I also have the right to decline the commission if I see fit and am not comfortable trying.𖤐 Commissions may NOT be based off of someone else's copyrighted work(without consent). Any work based off of copyrighted work without the copyright holder(s)'s direct consent will be immediately terminated. I will not be held legally responsible for any commissioner that has not contacted the copyright holder/s prior to me starting work. I reserve the right to not finish any commission based on copyrighted work if permission was not granted.𖤐 Harassment will not be tolerated and any / all contact given must be respectful. If you attempt to harass me about anything regarding your commission/s(or in general) I have the right to stop work and refuse a refund(depending on severity) or offer a partial refund based on the amount of time already placed into the work that's been done. I have the right to remove / block / blacklist you for your words and / or actions against and / or with me.𖤐 I do NOT work with or for zoophiles / pedophiles / ephebophiles / transphobic / homophobic / fascist / alt-right / racist / neo-nazi / abusive / otherwise gross individuals and anyone associated with such individuals, communities, and / or content. You acknowledge this and will have any / all services taken on by me cancelled without ANY refund if it is found you are part of and/or associating with any of these groups / individuals / categories. You waive the right to both partial and / or full refunds with this agreement and will be blocked without any warning if this is breached.𖤐 I refuse to do any / all work regarding: underage characters, copyrighted characters not owned by the commissioner(without proper consent from the character owner; exceptions can be made for gifts-but not for "fanart" with media-based characters on a case by case basis), work where another artists style is requested(if you want a style from another artist go to that artist and NOT to me), pro-fascist content, and / or any gross / harmful content(outlined above) that would negatively impact any person(s) or minorities. I will not do hate-based work, and will not "age up" characters for sexualization. By working with me you agree to not request and / or hire me on for any work regarding these areas, and if breached waive your right to any and all refunds.